A bloggy friend has started up a new series of Posts called
What a wonderful idea!
I have decided to follow her lead and include such a series of posts as well.
As mother's we really need to learn to find ways to gather strength and energy so we are better able to care for our wee little ones.
Mama Laurel has her focus on the Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional aspects of her life.
Amen to this!
The areas I've decided to focus on:
In each of these areas,
I will be setting goals -
simple trackable goals.
I started reading the Bible - namely the Old Testament. I have read through it before and have done lots of localized reading. This time I am taking my time and really focusing on the details: maps, culture, and the struggles of each character.
Life can be overwhelming - especially in our family it seems. We seem to be in constant transition which can be very difficult. Recently, our transition has been coping with unemployment and job hunting. So, I am trying really hard to focus on the positives in our daily life. Although, we are unemployed it is wonderful to have Mr. Elskan home and a part of the daily routines. It is wonderful the Lil' munchkin is able to experience father more in his daily life.
I am really focusing on my caloric intake. With Mr. Elskan being home and able to chef for us, I am able to better focus on what I am eating. I hope to get moving more too. It is difficult with the constant exhaustion but I really want to. In the future.
This is an area many mothers may overlook. But it is important that we are still learning, growing, expanding our skills, and increasing our abilities. This is an area that exhausts me: after chores. homeschooling, doing our finances, etc. my brain wants a break. But I have found an ingenious and simple way to increase or at least keep my mental capacities: S*udoku. (and crosswords). As a woman who is dyslexic with numbers and can't stand math I am surprised by the enjoyment I feel for it. It relaxes me and challenges me at the same time.
At times I don't feel social, especially dealing with my chronic fatigue and illness. After a full day I hardly want to do much else, besides vegetate. But a good friend started up a Book Club and I LOVE going to it. Although, it is once a month I make sure to go. On the in between I call my friends and discuss the books. It helps me get through my month.
How do you keep yourself moving and growing after taking care of everyone else?