Thursday, May 26, 2011

...How Does Your Garden Grow, Too?

We are back at it:
Garden Growing.

We decided to make some more pots 
and planted some more  tomatoes 

...How Does Your Garden Grow?
Only 10 days later and we already see the blossoming of our Pea plants.
In it's little greenhouse-of-a-jug it stays pretty moist and warm.
But add water once in awhile to keep it that way.

Don't forget the occasional hug!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

...How Does Your Garden Grow?

How do you grow a garden in the bitter cold of the far north?

By this time of year, most of the country has already planted the beginnings of one.
Yet, here in Alaska we are still wearing coats and boots.

So how do you plant a garden?

You begin your garden indoors.

Actually we are late in planting;
most Alaskans have already begun theirs.

This year, we are going to practice.
Next year we hope to begin a real garden.

So we thought to begin the lessons by letting the wee little ones plant this year.

Steps to an indoor garden.

1. Take a jug (milk, water, etc.) and cut the top off.

2. Decide what crop you want (we chose peas and tomatoes).
3. Have a bag of dirt. 

3. Pour dirt into your cut jug.
4. Plant the seed in the dirt.
5. Water it. 

6. Seal the top on.
7. Label it with the initials of what you planted.
8. Give it a big hug
(we know love makes little things grow strong)

9. Hang it in a sunny place.
10. Wait to see what happens....

(* No child was hurt in the making of this post; knives were given only under extreme supervision and merely for the aesthetics of a photo. No child had actual use of knife. DO NOT allow your child use of knife without supervision - and preferably when they are of a mature age. *)


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