Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Art of Tissue

This Mama has grown up with chronic nose issues (runny, stuffed, sneezy, etc.) Lil' Monster has dealt with the very same from infancy. Part of our attire includes tissues and lots of them.
However, sometimes our outfits are not outfitted with pockets (an essential feature to nose blowers who NEED tissues). When I was younger, my grandma taught a beautiful way to "pocket" my hanky/tissue: in the strap of a bra. There it stayed snug as a bug in a rug, and easy to access when a drip came on.
Lil' Monster soon picked up on this feature of my pocket-less outfits. He started following suit. Although, he is bra-strapless, he has found that his snug onesies are just the fit for him.

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