Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Land of the Free...Candy

Last year for Independance Day,
we were blessed with BEAUTIFUL weather,
so we went the Distance. (Read about it Here)

This year we stuck closer to home.
We attended the Independence Parade in our neighboring city.
We arrived early and placed ourselves at the beginning mark of the route.

Bundled up, as it was freezing.
By the end of the parade
we could hardly feel our fingers and noses were running.
 Nevertheless, our hearts and souls were warm with joy.

Waiting for it to begin.
As each float, car, or group passed us by, something or other was handed out:
such as flags, sweets, advertisements for local happenings, and more sweets.
This cute group of senior women had a dance they performed.
These deafening bikes thrilled Lil' Monster and about made Mamma deaf for an hour.

Each child received a bag to hold their treats.
Lil' Monster filled his to the brim by the end.
Pabbi and Mamma had to hold his bag so he could have free hands to chase after the candy.
We've never seen so much candy! I, along with other parade-watching Mammas, all tried to give each other their children's candy so we didn't go home with so many bags. Lil' Monster did not even care about the candy - he just liked to chase into the street to grab what was thrown.
Pabbi and I joked that this parade was easier than Halloween. For Halloween, we have to dress the up in costumes, take him from door to door (or in some cases trunk to trunk) to collect a bag full of candy. However, for this Holiday, the paraders have to come decked out and in costumes, with tricks, and they walk block after block passing the candy out....

Motorcycles, sports cars, buses, go-carts....
vehicle after vehicle.
The boy LOVED it!

Since it ended up raining we were unable to have a typical All-American BBQ post-parade.
So we settled on the next best All American meal:

Then we curled up together and Thanked God for our Freedom to enjoy.
We also prayed that Uncle M and his fellow soldiers currently in the Middle East were protected.
Thank you Uncle M for fighting for us.
Thanks Auntie B for your sacrifice.
Happy Independence Day!

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