Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Play

In our home, we try to make Sunday's different than any other day of the week.

We are commanded to keep the Sabbath Day holy. (Exodus 20:8)
We interpret that to be more than just going to church for a few hours.
A day consists of 24 hours.
That can be a very long time with children.
We are not so strict like the puritans of old, where meetings and reading the bible all day was all you did.
But we don't want to be so relaxed about it, that we consider it a free day to play, catch up on chores, sleep all day, or laze around.
We have come up with some solutions.

After church attendance, we encourage quiet activities like reading (scriptures, church magazines, or other uplifting books), journaling, letter writing, goal setting, watching a spiritual and uplifting movie, calling family and friends, serving others, and sitting with each other simply talking.
Yet, even these activities can be quite difficult with young children.
Young children like to play, not sit quietly.
So, we have set aside certain toys and games for Sunday use only.
These items are not played with at all during the week.
This not only keeps the novelty of them alive; but it also is a way for our child to mark that the Sabbath Day is a different day than the rest.
A few of these toys are scriptural action figures.
They are great fun for our son.
They definitely keep him entertained and busy.

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