Monday, February 11, 2013

Highs and Lows

In our family, we occasionally play "Highs and Lows" at the Dinner Table.
We simply take turns telling each other what the HIGH point of our day was, and then share the LOW point of our day.
Some days it is nice to know that the "low" of one's day was merely "we had to take a nap" (wink, wink). Other times it helps to open up a conversation when our child has a "low" such as when a child was picking on him. It is also a great time for him to see how we as parents may suffer lows as well, and how we cope with them.
 Discussing our "highs," can lead to greater gratitude for all that God does. It also, teaches us that despite having lows in our life, we can still find "highs." Sometimes, the highs are as simple as "eating lunch" or as great as riding on a "four wheeler."
Today was a day of extreme high and an extreme low for Lil' Monster. 
It started out as a typical routine day. Wake up, eat breakfast head off to O.T., have a temper tantrum here and there, come home eat lunch, play, do some reading, some homeschool, and more play. Then the long wait for Pabbi to come home. His arrival brought something more than the simple joy of Pabbi, because Pabbi was carrying a big box is in his arms.
Lil' Monster's Package had finally come.
For Christmas, Lil' Monster received a "Where's Waldo" book from Santa. He quickly became enamored. Lil' Monster loves 'hidden pictures' and Where's Waldo fit the bill!
Since then Lil' Monster has been vying to own more of them. He pores over the one he has for hours. He has found all of the hidden objects, but he still sits and looks...never bored.

Today's was the arrival of an other Where's Waldo. One that Lil' Monster worked to earn money for, purchased online and then waited for.
He was just so enamored.

Then an hour later, Lil' Monster was running up the stairs, slipped and fell on his face, on the stair above, causing him to bite right through his tongue.

What a fright!

He has bit his tongue before, but this went almost all the way through. We rushed him to the E.R., where they helped the bleeding and swelling to go down. They talked about stitches. but didn't want to go down that path quite so soon. They sent us home, and warned if it did not start to heal in two days, they would put stitches in.
Lil' Monster was frightened between the pain and the large amount of blood. The E.R. was quite a trip. He was so happy to hear the Dr. recommend ice pops, ice cream, smoothies, and anything soft for the next several meals.
 The poor Lil' Monster was quite a trooper.

What a day of highs and lows.

Post Date: Things healed nicely, albeit it took several days. Luckily stitches were note required. He did enjoy copious amounts of cold soft treats for meals. He is going to have a scar for the rest of his life, but he still has a tongue.

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