Saturday, September 25, 2010

Banned Books - Really?!?!?

I am a mother who wants to teach her children righteousness and to "Choose the Right." I have learned that hiding the world from your children is not a way to teach strength in righteousness. Then again immersing them in the world isn't right either.
However, I do believe in reading and learning as much as possible, then teaching my children learn to critically think and choose for themselves. Children can learn from the examples and choices of characters in books: from the heroes they learn righteous decisions; from wicked characters they can identify evil choices and how to avoid making them. They can learn we are all human, and that we can all find redemption through hard work and the mercy of God.
I find it sad that many people are critical of certain literature so much so that they band together to ban books. Why not read the book and find what you can learn and then teach your child to do the same?
As a lover of literature I do agree there is some smut in books that is not okay to read at anytime. But why ban them? Let there be a choice. There are some books with unorthodox ideas that should still be read. From these you can teach your child what is acceptable and what is not, but let them make choices. If they choose wrong - discuss it with them, and reteach them wise decision making, then let them try again to make good choices. Many books that have been banned have taught valuable ideas and precepts, albeit through difficult settings and materials. Life itself has the same dilemmas. Teach your children to be strong amidst them. They do grow up and will need to function despite these dissident elements in life.
Don't keep your children naïve.
Teach them wisdom!!
Raise strong minded children!

Keys to Success
in raising righteous strong minded literate children:

1. Teach your children your values and beliefs.
2. Supply access to literature.
3. Let your children choose books to read.
4. Teach them critical thinking:
Reiterate your believes and values.
Share your opinions.
5. Help your children to understand and be wise then make good choices.

Don't ban books!
Think for yourself!!

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